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another pet...

mY cAgEy



How Singapore got its name

Version 1: When Raffles stepped out of his boat on to boat quay, a man was running by annoucing the birth of his son in hokkien "see ta poh! see ta poh!"

Version 2: I thought the story was like this: The indian king, Parameswara, was sleeping under the tree and was dreaming. He was rudely awakened by an animal resembling a lion. So, out of shock, he screamed "singa porda! singa porda!" (which means: lion, get lost!)

Version 3: When Raffles sailed up the Singapore River for the first time, a malay lady was bathing in the river, having left her clothes on the river bank. A singh came by and stole her clothes. The upset lady started shouting after him, "Singh Kapoh,Singh Kapoh"......

Version 4: 'Singapore' was actually translated from the name 'Singapura' in Bahasa Malaysia. Story goes that there was a prince that came to our island many many years ago, on an exploration trip. Then he suddenly saw a lion and he name our island 'Singapura', which means lion port.

Imagine if he had seen a pig instead of a lion, it would be Babipura. ('pig' in Malay is 'Babi')



One day Bill complained to his friend, "My elbow really hurts, I guess I should see a doctor."
His friend offered, "Don't do that. There's a computer at the drug store that can diagnose anything quicker an cheaper than a doctor. Simply put in a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it. It only costs $10."
Bill figured he had nothing to lose, so he filled a jar with a urine sample and went to the drug store. Finding the computer, he poured in the sample and deposited the $10. The computer started making some noise and various lights started flashing. After a brief pause out popped a small slip of paper on which was printed: You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water. Avoid heavy lifting. It will be better in two weeks.
Late that evening while thinking how amazing this new technology was and how it would change medical science forever, he began to wonder if this machine could be fooled. He decided to give it a try. He mixed together some tap water, a stool sample from his dog and urine samples from his wife and daughter. To top it off, he masturbated into the concoction.
He went back to the drug store, located the machine, poured in the sample and deposited the $10. The computer again made the usual noise and printed out the following message:
Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener. Your dog has worms. Get him vitamins. Your daughter is using cocaine. Put her in a rehabilitation clinic. Your wife is pregnant with twin girls. They aren't yours. Get a lawyer. And if you don't stop jerking off, your tennis elbow will never get better.

A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter, who is also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him a menu.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I am blind and can't read the menu. Just bring me a dirty fork from a previous customer. I'll smell it and order from there."
A little confused, the owner walks over to the dirty dish pile and picks up a greasy fork. He returns to the blind man's table and hands it to him. The blind man puts the fork to his nose and takes in a deep breath.
"Ah, yes, that's what I'll have... meatloaf and mashed potatoes."
Unbelievable, the owner thinks as he walks towards the kitchen. The cook happens to be the owner's wife. He tells her what had just happened.
The blind man eats his meal and leaves.

Several days later, the blind man returns and the owner mistakenly brings him a menu again.
"Sir, remember me? I'm the blind man."
"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'll go get you a dirty fork."
The owner retrieves a dirty fork and brings it to the blind man. After another deep breath, the blind man says, "That smells great. I'll take the macaroni and cheese with broccoli."

Walking away in disbelief, the owner thinks the blind man is screwing around with him and tells his wife that the next time the blind man comes in he's going to test him. The blind man eats and leaves. He returns the following week, but this time the owner sees him coming and runs to the kitchen. He tells his wife, "Mary, rub this fork on your panties before I take it to the blind man." Mary complies and hands her husband the fork. As the blind man walks in and sits down, the owner is ready and waiting.
"Good afternoon, sir, this time I remembered you and I already have the fork ready for you."
The blind man puts the fork to his nose, takes a deep whiff, and says, "Hey I didn't know that Mary worked here..."

A policeman stops a lady and asks for her license. "Lady, it says here that you should be wearing glasses."
The woman answered "Well, I have contacts."
The policeman replied "I don't care who you know! You're getting a ticket!"

A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he's topping 100 mph. He eventually realizes he can't escape and finally pulls over.

The cop approaches the car and says, "It's been a long day and my tour is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I'll let you go."

The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, "My wife ran away with a cop about a week ago. I thought you might be that officer trying to give her back!"

A police officer pulls over this guy who had been weaving in and out of the lanes.
He goes up to the guy's window and says, "Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube."
The man says, "Sorry officer I can't do that. I am an asthmatic. If I do that I'll have a really bad asthma attack."
"Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample." "I can't do that either. I am a hemophiliac. If I do that, I'll bleed to death."
"Well, then we need a urine sample."
"I'm sorry officer I can't do that either. I am also a diabetic. If I do that I'll get really low blood sugar."
"Alright then I need you to come out here and walk this white line."
"I can't do that, officer."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm too drunk to do that!"


Sharing some jokes... ...

An American man, a Chinese man, and a Mexican man all died and went to Hell. The Devil said, "You know guys, you all have been sinners. But I'm in a good mood, so I'm willing to give you another chance. If you can think of a sentence using the words 'green', 'pink', and 'yellow' that will make me laugh, then you will go to heaven."
The Chinese guy goes first. He says, "One morning when I woke up, I looked out the window and saw a green field with pink and yellow flowers in it." The Devil says, "You think that's funny?" and the Chinese goes to Hell.
The American is next. He says, "One morning I was walking on the street and saw George W Bush with nothing on but a pink bra, green shoes, and a yellow mohawk." The Devil says, "Nice try, but that's not funny." The American goes to Hell.
Now, it's the Mexican's turn. But he's not very good at English and by now he is panicking. He blurts out, "This morning when the phone went 'green green green', I came to pink it up, and said 'Yellow'?"
The Devil laughs and says "Okay, you can go to heaven." And the Mexican's jaw drops, "Huh?"

An armed hooded robber bursts into the Bank of Ireland and forces the tellers to load a sack full of cash.
On his way out the door with the loot, one brave Irish customer grabs the hood and pulls it off revealing the robber's face.
The robber shoots the guy in the head without hesitation! He then looks around the bank to see if anyone else has seen him.
One of the tellers is looking straight at him, and the robber walks over and calmly shoots him in the head also.
Everyone by now is very scared and looking down at the floor.
Did anyone else see my face?' asks the robber?
There is a few moments of silence, when one elderly Irish gent, looking down, tentatively raises his hand and says:
"I think me wife may have caught a glimpse."

A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on a flight from LA to NY. The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game? The blonde, tired, just wants to take a nap, politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun. He explains, "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5.00, and vise versa."
Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep.
The lawyer, now agitated, says, "Okay, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5.00, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500.00."
This catches the blonde's attention and, figuring there will be no end to this torment unless she plays, agrees to the game.
The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?"
The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches into her purse, pulls out a $5.00 bill and hands it to the lawyer. "Okay," says the lawyer, "your turn".
She asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four legs?"
The lawyer, puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references, no answer. He taps into the air phone with his modem and searches the net and the library of congress, no answer. Frustrated, he sends e-mail to all his friends and coworkers, to no avail. After an hour, he wakes the blonde, and hands her $500.00.
The blonde says, "Thank you," and turns back to get some more sleep.
The lawyer, who is more than a little miffed, wakes the blonde and asks, "Well, what's the answer?"
Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5.00, and goes back to sleep.

Are these jokes funny? The blonde is smart, right? Any way, do tag more often!


Sharing some jokes......................

 1.-What the day is it today?
  -Today is April fools’day.
  -Oh!you are wrong today is March the 31th.If you don’t believe me please pick up the calendar.
  -Oh!it is really April fools’day.
  -Haha!you were cheated!

  2.A young blind boy is being tucked into bed by his mother. The mom says "Now Billy, pray really hard tonight and tomorrow, your wish will come true!". Billy says, "Ok,mommy." and goes to sleep. the next morning, Billy wakes up and screams "MOMMY! I’m still blind, my wish didn’’t come true!". The mom answered, "I know - April Fools!"
 3.Wife talking to her husband (who reads newspaper all day): I wish I were a newspaper so I’ll be in your hands all day.
  Husband: I wish that too, so I could change you daily
  4.A little boy asked his father: Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?
  The father replied: I don ’t know son. I ’m still paying!!
5.At midnight father saw that his married son leaving home... He asks him: what are you doing?
The son replied: Dad I am fed up with my life! My newly marriage is not going well, my wife and my mom keep fighting with each other! I have to pay bills for my inlaws, and I hate this life!!! I want to go far from here, I want to taste every joy of life, and I want to have every fun of life!!!
  Father said: Wait!!!!!!!! I am coming with you.

6.A woman goes to England to attend a 2-week company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip.
  The wife answered: Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring for you?
  The husband laughed and said: An English girl!!!
  The woman kept quiet and left. Two weeks later he picked her up in the airport and asked: So honey, how was the trip?
  The wife: Very good, thank you.
  The husband: And, what happened to my present?
  The wife: Which present?
  The husband: What I asked for: the English girl?
  The wife: Oh, that! Well, I did what I could; now we have to wait a few months to see if it’s a girl!!!
  7.A couple goes to an art gallery. They find a picture of a naked woman with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn 't like it and moves on, but the husband keeps looking. The wife asks, "What are you waiting for? " The husband replies, "autumn. "
  8.A man is sitting reading his newspaper when the wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the head with a frying pan. "What the hell was that for? " he asks. "That was for the piece of paper in your trouser pockets with the name Mary Ellen written on it, " she replies. Don 't be silly, " he says. "Two weeks ago when I went to the races, Mary Ellen was the name of one of the horses I bet on. " She seems satisfied at this, and she apologizes. Three days later he 's again sitting in his chair reading when she nails him with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him out cold. When he comes around, he asks again, "What the hell was that for? " "Your fucking horse just phoned. "
  9.Wife to husband: you were so drunk last night that you insulted your boss.
  Husband: piss on him! Wife: you did and he fired you!
  Husband: fuck him!
  Wife: I did and you can go back to work tomorrow.
  10.A couple drove several miles down a country road with intense silence. Not a word was said to each other. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither wanted to concede his position. As they passed a barnyard of mules and pigs, the wife sarcastically asked, "Relatives of yours? " "Yep, " the husband replied, "inlaws

A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day.
The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:
To: My loving wife
Subject: I've arrived
I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.
P.S. sure is freaking hot down here!!!!


Our guitar lesson

Today is our third guitar lesson. It was fun! I learned about TAB and about how to play "Mary had a little lamb" with open strings.

I learned quite a lot about guitars since lesson one. I must say the lessons are very fruitful. Playing the guitar was fun. The teacher, Mr Rudy, is quite funny too, sometimes.

Among all the guitars there is a majority of classic guitars and a minority of arcoustic guitars. I don't know why somepeople say playing the guitar is very difficult. I find it quite easy.

Even though my right thumb does feel a bit pain after many times of playing, it is still worth it. The electric guitar was quite scary when it was played by Yao Quan. At the end of 7 lessons, we would have to perform! I hate performing on stage. And what's more, I am not good at guitar. Bye!

P.S.To my secret pal, you are lazy not to send me anything yet! I want to find out who you are very much! But relax, I won't kill you. So please send me something!


The complain of the Secret Pal Game

If you are my secret pal, and you have given me something, do not read the part in white!!!

Every body is complaining about the game. Some say it is not fair, some say they know their secret pal. Others know some's secret pal. There are those who are playing fair. But, they still know their secret pal or know others secret pal.

Some are very inconsiderate and tell others their secret pal or their friends' secret pal. They got their friends' secret pal by investigating or peeping. Those whose secret pal are uncovered are very angry. They wanted to find out at the end-of-year mini celebration but they find out now.

Luckily, my secret pal is......I do not know!:) And no one knows my secret pal except my busybody,super-annoying sister. I hope no one is so keen on finding out my secret pal that they ask my sister! I am sure she will keep it a secret for me!

HEEHEEHEE! If you are my secret pal, and you are reading this, it means that you havegiven me something. But if you have not,......hehehe! You cannot listen to instruction!


Secret Pal

My secret pal, do not read the part in white if you have given me a note.
Have you written to your secret pal? I have.
But, my secret pal have not written to me!
Anyway, it has been a long time since I have posted due to exams.
Have you thought about what to give to your secret pal during the end-of-year mini celebration?
I have not. I do not know what to give.
I think a pen would do. Just kidding, I am not so petty.
Of course, I would not give that person an extra humongous gift.
I wonder what I would receive...
I could do with a car!
Just kidding, what use have I for a car???
Please, if you are my secret pal, and you are reading this, pass me a note.
I hope my secret pal is not a petty person to give me a gift like an eraser that is unwanted!

If you are reading this, and you are my secret pal, that means you have given me something(note, bla bla bla)and if you have not, it means you cannot listen to instructions!:)



This holiday has been quite wonderful. Except for the fact that I have to go to school today when the whole class did not have to go for remedial. I have to attend a competition.

It has been a long time since I had a holiday so long.........but like the other holidays, it will just pass quickly. No matter how long a holiday or party is, you will feel that it is very short when it is over or has pased. Even if a party or holiday or some sort of enjoyable thing lasted for a year or five years, you will still feel like it should be longer than that time.

It has already been the second half of our September holiday! Soooo fast! I do not want the holiday to pass so fast, really! I would hate to leave my holiday world and go back to reality-which is school days-when I am used to holidays now! I would not be able to get used to scool life again so fast, but getting used to holiday life is very easy! Oh! Bye!:)


Something to speak about

The CA2 is going on................................sssshhhhhhh..................................

No noise, English, Maths, Mother Tongue, Science, and Higher Mother Tongue are all going on. Just kidding. There is only Science and Higher Mother Tongue left.

There is an exam everyday. I just hope that I can pass my exams......I hate this CA2 but there is no choice, is there? Or do you have another way out? Tell me............!The easiest paper is Maths, second easiest is english, third is science and last of all, the most difficult one is mother tongue and higher mother tongue.

I just wish to have my September holidays in peace, out of reach of illnesses, unlike PSLE oral holidays. I can do my work in peace, rest and revise in peace. I think I am going to relax in the September holidays and do homework on the first few days..................of course, and do a bit of revision.maybe not a bit, but quite some revision has to be done.



Homework is getting a lot, isn't it? Though it is a lot, I can manage with it but......too much will be a disaster! I hate homework but not that much as to wanting to exterminate homework! But, I do not like doing so much homework especially when my sister is enjoying shows like the mummy when I am still doing my homework which is still a lot! I love to laze around! Oh! Bye!


Swimming lesson

Yesterday's swimming lesson was terrible! I choked a lot of times, and I just wanted to float in the water! Soooooooo relaxing!!!!!! But, apparently, the coach has different points of view. He made us swim with pajamas one lap to the other end for....maybe warm-up? Then, we had to swim side-kick for those going for silver to see. And swim again. And again. Finally, we were made to sit down. The coach asked us to swim till the other end of the swimming pool(100 metres) and back again and please swim as fast as you can, he said. After that, he asked us to swim six laps of backfloat, within fifteen minutes! I swam until my neck was aching before he told me to swim in another way. Couldn't he have said it earlier? After a while, he asked us to come up from the pool and he talked to us. Chavelle was still swimming. I could not spot her from a far distance as I was not wearing my spectacles. The coach said that we cannot bend in our tummies, cannot bend in our necks. I shouted to the coach that Chavelle was still in the water. He asked her to come up. We all did the same. Oh! And the coach asked us to go for bronze, silver and gold, if you have not gone for it! Still have to pay extra money and I do not want to take the test!



My feelings about the NE SHow preview

Does anyone think that the time for the NE Show was too short? I do think so a bit after the show, but that is what everyone would tend to think.Actually, no matter how long a show is or an event is, we will always think the duration is too short after the event or show.

Now let me tell you what I felt during the NE Show.

When we reached Marina Bay, we got off the bus. I realised that Ramizah had vomited! Poor Ramizah! June, Su Yi, Yu Tyng and I walked together. Not really in a line! Yu Tyng said that she thinks there is still a long way to go and she does not want to wlk anymore. I was looking at another place and I thought that was the place we were going to.I said I would rather swim there. Su Yi said she will only support me. When we reached the platform, I was surprised. "Weren't we supposed to go there?"I asked. Yu Tyng replied that we are not going there.

I sat with Su Yi and Yu Tyng was beside me.The sun was scorching hot! I felt like I was being boiled like in a science experiment!!! I wore my cap and put the "fan" over my head. The sun's rays peeked in at some small gaps, making me feel hot but a bit cooler. Yu Tyng told me that not wearing your cap makes you cooler. I found out that Su Yi's "hand" had a hole. We complained about bringing us here so early when the MCs said the show would start later on but the later on was so long.

Suddenly, I felt cooler. The sun was not so bright. I looked up and saw that the sun was blocked by a cloud. I checked my watch and found that it was already aroung five. The show was starting. The first few parts of the show was really exciting and interesting. Some people who I think work there were throwing things such as sweets and milo packets. One flew and hit YU Tyng on the shoulder! But she did not get the sweet. I saw Rachel poon, Yao Quan's opponent in scrabble from Canberra the term before. One sweet flew towards me and landed on my seat. Yu Tyng picked it as I gave it to her. No one likes cavities!

There was one part where they said the bla bla bla person was coming and the person was important. Ms Sarah said they were dummies. She said she meant dummies as in they were not the real person. The "prime minister" came and we had to sing the national anthem. The ALPs were kind of saluting while singing, only they were not moving.

When Mr Lee Hsien Loong came, we all knew the one that came was a dummy. The real Mr Lee will only come on the actual day. I realised that quite a number of people like Carel, Yong Jie, Dennis..............they were all wanting tattoos to put on themselves! A lot of people have tattoos on their faces. June put a Singapore flag on her face but I do not kow what happened when she put, the flag was vertical! Hahahaha!Of course, she rubbed it off.

Yu Tyng was in a dilemma whether she should put the Singapore flag on her face. Finally, she put it. I put it on for her. When it was finished, the flag had a chipped-off part. She did it again and was perfect!

I sat on my "hand" and when I sat on it the what time,it suddenly Pffttttttttttttt..............there was a hole! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

In the evening, the fireworks were nice, beautiful! Su Yi didnot want to accompany me to the toilet.IN the end, she did.

I felt that the NE Show preview was the best one in my life, but of course as it was the first one! In the bus, I joked with Su Yi, Hui En and Chavelle. Fun! And, teachers did not set good example! Their buttocks left the chair. They talked to everyone, means they are fat or break the rule!

Good Bye!

Rise in bus fares

I think the main reason the bus fares will go up is because the diesel fees have went up increasingly.But, I think that even if the diesel prices do go back to normal, the bus fares may go down and the buse fares will be around the original fares, not the exact amount before the diesel fares went up.If the diesel fares go up anymore, parents will not have enough money to pay for their children to go to school in privately owned buses.I cannot think why the diesel fares have to go up increasingly just like that. It should only happen when there is a war, confusion, or maybe when the prime minister is opposed like the recent malaysia.


Little Red Dot Article

Would you choose to leave your friends and family to stay overseas?Divide the class into two groups:one that agrees and the other which disagrees.State five reasons and explain them clearly.

1. We can go overseas and spread the culture of Singapore.
2. We can go overseas to further our studies.
3.We can learn about other country's culture.
4. We can have opportunities for jobs.
5. We can have a better lifestyle such as owning a farm.

1.I do not want to leave my family and friends.
2.Singapore is my home, my country.
3.Singapore is where I belong.
4.The memories of my childhood are in Singapore and I do not want to leave them.
5.I love Singapore and I love being in Singapore.


My birthday

My birthday, which was on the 5th of June was great! I did not have any party but I went to Sun Plaza to celebrate.It was a happy day for me. First, my family went to the library to return the books we had just borrowed the week before. Then, we went to buy tickets for the movie: The chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian.We went to eat after that(lunch).

When we entered the cinema,hall 5,there was no one there was no one there. My mother said that maybe it was because it was raining and she even said that no one would come to the cinema to watch a movie when it was raining exept for us because it was someone's birthday. I laughed quietly to myself.There were 3 or 4 more people coming in when the show was about to start.

The movie was great even though I do not know how to describe it. I enjoyed the movie very much. Every bit or part of it.Only that it left deep marks in my mind, never to be forgotten. Good marks. After the movie we went to the library to borrow the Ho Peng Kee books.It was already 6.30.My father had to go elsewhere,so that left my mother, me and my little sister(8 this year).Only one Ho Peng Kee book was found. I borrowed 3 other english books.When we were about to eat, my mother said no reading the books we just borrowed as it was almost nine! We reluctantly did so. Whe we got home, I scarcely had time to play the VR-10 game! Ihave to practice!Well, it is still alright.

And, my birthday present was a lovely blue watch given by my aunt! I loved the watch. My mother did ask me what else I still wanted but I said nothing.About this colour.


Publishing a story with one of my best friends in this school

I am recently writing a story with Valerie.It is quite long.The story happens ....................!Don't tell you!It is about a legend.It is going to be quite exciting! It is magical too! We thought and wrote it not even half way! Valerie's index numberis just after mine and I really feel a surge of energy to taking our immunisation this year as Valerie is behind me to support me! I feel very scared for my injection! Do you know what I wrote? I wrote:I feel very scared for my injection!



Happy Mothers' Day!!!

I wish my mother a happy mothers' day.She said that she just wanted me and my sister to be good everyday.After all that she has done for me, I really thank her and I truly wish her a happy mothers' day! Every time I'm sick, she will take care of me. I love her and wish that she would not be angry with us on mothers' day.You know, these kind of things do happen.Everytime I and my sister are afraid of the dark, she will sometimes accompany us.I think she is a very good mother.I wish every mother in the world a happy mothers' day! Everytime I see my mother very sad, I sort of feel sad too.Bye! Wish every mother in the world a HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY(again)!


Many many many many thanks to...................................

Thanks,Yu Tyng,your card was lovely! Same as you, I would like to say that you are a sweet and kind girl.You are helpful too.I want to thank Chavelle for drawing me a bear for my friendship day card! It was sooooo cute! Sorry, Allison, you can't get your card asmy card went missing somehow on the Wednesday we went for our secong rehearsal.It is soooo sad even to think of it! Bye!


Gangster Girls

Do you remember the last time your parents scolded you for something?

1.Compile a list of all the things you and your classmates have been chided for.Include the reasons for commiting the offence and what your punishment was.

1.Offence:forgot to bring journal
Reason:I forgot to bring it to school as I left it on the table
Punishment:Have to write one entry and hand it to Ms Sim after recess

2.Offence:I fought with my little sister
Reason:She always snatches my things, shout when I tell mum something true about her that she has just done, fighting with her is fun.
Punishment:We each get some scoldings and beating(but I always try to beat her after mum had left the room/scene)

3.Offence:Allison and I did not hand in our drawing
Reason:We were not in school

4.Offence:I scolded my little sister
Reason:She always tries to peep at the computer when I write a blog entry
Punishment:Mum scolds us

2.What did you notice about the types of misdeeds and penalties?

The seriouser the misdeed, the heavier the penalty

3.What can you do to ensure that you remain in your parent's good books always?
Narrow it down to three simple steps.

1.Listen to what they say.

2.Be obedient in front of them.

3.Tolerate it when your little sister tries to pick a fight, even though you are tempting to fight it out with her.


You have been a great friend,Suzan!


From:Hui Xin

Suzan,you are a great friend to me when I was in primary 1,2,3!I can't forget the times I have spent with you!Even though you are not in this school anymore, I still could not forget you! You accompanied me when I did my duty in P3.You were a great companion to me! Thanks very much for all that you have done for me!

You have been a great teacher,Ms Sim!

To:Ms Sim
From:Hui Xin
Dear Ms Sim,your lessons are great! All your words make tons of sense1 To have you as my teacher is just great! Your computer lessons are fun! Thanks for letting us do group work! I know the class is noisy sometimes, but do let us do group work!Thank you, Ms Sim, gor all that you have done for us!

Thank you, Mr Goh

To:Mr Goh

From:Hui Xin

Dear Mr Goh, thank you for all that you have done.Without you helping the principal, the school would not really be what it is now.You helped Mrs Lim with the school,so thank you! Thank you and Mrs Lim for letting us use computers! It was fun using computers to do things! The library was god, of course! To be there and read storybooks was just great! Thank you, Mr Goh!

Thanks,Mrs Lim!

To:Mrs Lim
From:Hui Xin
Dear Mrs Lim,thank you for all that you have done for the whole school!Thank you for setting Wellington, letting us study in wellington, and many many more! Without you, there won't be Well'ympics,sports day, and most mportant of all,wellington. Thank you for letting us use the computers, have computers, go to the library, and many other things! All the facilities that we are able to use in Wellington is all thanks to you! Thank you, Mrs Lim!


P5 camp

The P5 camp was fun!:)I loved the camp. How I wished I could stay there furrrrever!:)

The trip to Sentosa was great!We had icebreakers first, then we went to build sandcastles.My group's sandcastle was the lousiest.That was because we lacked teamwork.After the sandcastle building,we had an amusing race.It was definitely fun.At night, we ate our dinner and my group and Valerie's group had to clean up.We rushed to bathe.We waited outside the cubicles for quite a long time. We were getting anxious by the second.We had to bathe fast.After the bath, I returned to my tent to find that it was so dark to tidy up.Christine Ching and I hastily put on our shoes and tidied up as fast as we could(anxious but fun!:):D).The blind man's walk was fun, especially when you really do not kow where you are.There were quite a lot of times when I felt water being splashed at my legs!I did not know who brought me to the canteen. Our instructor told us that we behaved badly that day.Sleep was no problem but the adults kept patrolling, so it was fun to not let them know we are awake!

Gladiator was fun! Although group 3 was the first to get out of the game,it was still fun!Furthermore,group 3 got to play again!The teambuilding games were quite fun, except for the part where we played "Blind Polygon"(I think that is the name),because our instructor got angry with us and left us to sit there while he went off.He came back a few times and finally,he let us play other games.We played MRT and Balloon Caterpillar.The game we played together called.................I don't know.It is the one where instructor"co co crunch"said light house.....bla bla bla.The monsters inc. was fun.The inter-house telematch was fun, although Green House got last.Instructor Joyce told us(duty group)that if a teacher were to take care of us for 24 hours,the teacher would be dead.At that time,I could see that instructor Joyce's eyes were red.When I got my camp T-shirt, I thought it was just large.But,when I wore it, I found that it was even longer than the shorts I was wearing!Camfire was fun,very fun! Green House's advertisement was great! I was a backdrop singer!I get to spray water as if it was rainning.The second night was not so comfortable.

Too bad we have to go home so fast! I really enjoyed the camp!Area cleaning was quite fun,but I would enjoy it even better if I could only stay longer!I really enjoyed every second of the camp!:)Wah!Bye!


TTD answers!!! :) :O :P :> :D

1.It is what we, Singaporeans, regardless of race or religion, do in our everyday lives to strengthen our resilience as one nation. This includes every aspect and sector of society.

2.First, as a young nation with a small population, we cannot afford to maintain a regular armed force. So we need to involve every Singaporean to multiply our defence capability. Second, the nature of modern warfare has changed. Wars are no longer limited to the battlefield. Instead, potential aggressors can strike in less obvious, non-military ways.

3.When we take National Service seriously, participate in civil emergency exercise (e.g. Emergency Fire Drills, Bomb Shelter Open House etc.), constantly upgrading our skills to become adaptable to the changing market needs, participating in inter-racial activities & educational outreach programmes, we are already taking part in Total Defence.


The ever cruel WW2

How do you feel about ww2?I feel that it is very very cruel. Especially the way the Japanese treated Singaporeans.Although I hate them, I know that the Japanese that I hate are not in this world anymore(except for their ash,maybe). Furthermore,America dropped two bombs on Japan,so I pity them instead. Actually the Japanese have a reason for attacking Singapore so I don't blame them very much but I didn't say I was going to forgive them for what they had done to the Singaporeans! They were cruel in the way they treated the Singaporeans. The fact that ww2 lasted for three years and eight months is enough for the hairs on my body to stand whenever I think of it.It is so scary and I really feel sorry for those who suffered during ww2. The British did their best to protect Singapore but failed as they thought that the Japanese will attack from Sentosa.But, the truth is they cycled on their bikes from Malaysia. Although the British bombed the Causeway,the Japanese managed to build the Causeway and cross it within ten days, I think. They were quite impossible! The links for pictures are below. http://sg.images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=ww2&fr=yfp-t-img&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8



New Year Wish

Hi! Have you read my book review? I don't know whether it has more than a hundred words.I think it has.Well,how are your lanterns doing? I just received a tip from Shawn,the maths warrior on how to do the lantern. Looks like he is also the lantern warrior,chinese history warrior and many many more.I haven't thought of my new year wish yet.But I do have a new year resolution. That is to work extremely hard for this year. Don't you know the reason? Next year we will have our PSLE-Primary School Leaving Examination. I think it will very difficult. But, since there is a person who can score 294, I think maybe there really are miracles in this world. But, we still have to work very hard.Oops! Gotta go! Bye!


My Book Review

Ms Sim read a book to us today.The book review of the book is below.

Book title:So Few of Me
Author:Peter H. Reynolds

In the book,a boy named Leo was mentioned.He has a lot of things to do.He thought that the things that he needed to do was more than him.He wished there was another Leo.When another Leo appeared,they did their work but soon after that a third Leo was wished for.A fourth, fifth, sixth and seven Leo was wished for too.But there were even more work to do. So, another Leo came to the rescue.Another one appeared and another one.After that, the real Leo felt exhausted and decided to take a nap.But the other nine Leos were not happy with him.They slowly disappeared.Leo discovered that only one Leo was needed if he did his best.

This book is funny but it teaches us something. That is:It doesn't matter how much you do.What matters is how much effort you put in.I agree with that.If we could put this point into use in real life,everything would be just fine and we would be happy and not fustrated over what we haven't done.


New Year

Happy new year to all .It's nice to have your around again. A new year is a new beginning. I will strive to work extremely hard this year and I hope the same goes for the rest of you.I just heard that Valerie deleted her blog and created a new blog. I don't quite like the idea of creating a new blog as it is such a hassle and I do not want to see my blog,which is my fruit of labour disappear into the computer! That will be disastrous. Especially because I will kick up a fuss.


Bad news!

You know my exam marks? Of course you don't! I failed my goals.................................


But, I scored quite well for my science; I did not fail my science goal! :) I hope I won't fail my english goal! I am so scared! I will not tell you ny marks that you don't know because I want to keep it a secret. But I scored badly for my science! I know someone who scored higher than me in science: Kai Wen and Zann(maybe because I still don't know but it is of course she would score higher than me)

Now I need to do something else! Bye!




1.Do you know about the 3 Rs?

a) No.

b) I have heard of it, but I didn't take much notice.

c)Yes, and I know the meaning.

2. Do you throw paper with one side written, the other side blank straight into the dustbin?

a) Yes.



3.How often do you recycle?




4. Do you usually take baths or showers?


b)Bath/showers(sometimes baths)

c)Showers(seldom baths)

5. How long is your bathing time?

a)half an hour-1 hour(or more)

b)15 minutes-half an hour

c)less than 15 minutes

6. Do you usually reuse things?

a) No/seldom.



7. How often do you use recycled paper?




8. How often do you reduce?




Look at your own results!!!

-Mostly As-You don't know about the 3 Rs and you waste quite a lot! You have to start to reduce. reuse and recycle! If you feel that unless a miracle happens, you will not be able to do it, it is never mind.As my teacher said this afternoon, miracles do happen! So, try hard!
-Mostly Bs-You don't take much notice of the 3 Rs but you do a bit of reducing, recycling and reusing without you realising it.Good! But you have to try harder.

-Mostly Cs-you know the meaning of the 3 Rs and you do your best to reduce, reuse and recycle! Keep up the good work!


Hi! I'm back again to tell you more about..................................................................................................


Reduce, Reuse and.....................Recycle!!!

Like the picture I posted? Well, I found it on the net!!!

I'll start my questionaire sooner or later!!!


REDUCE, REUSE AND...................................................................RECYCLE!!!

Do you like the picture I posted? Well, what about the other one at the bottom?


EXAM!!!:) :D :> :O

Tomorrow is our health education exam! Is anybody excited or nervous? I'm very excited about exams. But, I am a bit scared of my social studies exam. I always find social studies an interesting and fun subject but difficult too!


1)Science: I want to score at least 90+(I rwally want hundred!!!)

2)Maths: I want to score 100!!!

3)Chinese: I want to score at least 95+5 :D hee hee hee

4)English: I want to score 90+10 :D hee hee hee

Pardon me for saying this, but no one in our/my class has ever scored 100 for science!!! The highest was only 95(last year),so I hope someone would score 100!!! Of course, it would be Zann, Yao Quan, Shawn or Kai Wen. It would never be me!!! If it were me, I would post a story I wrote on my blog!!! (But that is impossible!)

Remember, anytime I score 100 for any exam, I will post one story. As you know, I want to be an author when I grow up!!! Bye and tell me whether you are nervous about the exams that are going on through your comments!!!


Children's Day Celebration!!! :) :> :O :D

The Children's Day Celebration was ~nice!~superb!~good!~fun!~funny!~

I love it!!! I must admit it, the teachers really knew how to make us children smile...............NO!!! make that laugh........................................................

There was the Little Late Riding Hood, The Mad Scientist, The drama/skit put up by our mother tongue teachers(it was superb! very funny!) and........................................ more(expected something?).

And the dance, of course! The part where 2 female & 3 male teachers dance for us(the part with mr asri)!

I enjoyed the celebration very much! I don't care whether others do or not.

If I were the organiser.........................
If I were the organiser, I will organise these events..........:
1)Mrs Lim's speech(if have)
2)A Show/Skit about Maths
3)A Show/Skit about Science
4)A Show/Skit about English
5)A Show/Skit about Mother Tonguesssss
6)Teachers do a FINALE!!!:) :> :O :D
(it should be very boring)7)Go back to class..................

That's all!!!

Wait! Don't go yet! I haven't written Good-bye!Wait! I haven't told you an important news yet! I'm going to write good-bye!


Movies are something most modern people watch. Almost everyone watches movies.Except for those African people who are very poor......................................wah wah!Oh!Let's not talk about it. Let me share with you some movies I watched.
There was the most recent one: The Magic Gourd (I'll just list the movies out if I can think of it)

Meet The Robinsons

Spiderman 3

*Pirates Of the Carribean (consists of three "episodes"/3 movies like Harry Potter)(more about this at the bottom)

Charlie And The Choco0ate Factory


Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

and more.................................................................................................................................................

Bye! Do tell me if you have watched those and feel free to ask me about a movie you think I may have watched.

*Pirates of the carribean...................I watched the 3rd in cinema, 2nd in DVD, 1st on tv


The Wonderful Science Centre :) :D :O :>

Yah!We are finally at the Science Centre..................and back again!:( I hate to leave the Science Centre. It's so fun! We get to play in the Science Centre every time we go there. I never the Science Centre was sooo big and enormous and gigantic and humongous...........until I got there yesterday. I always thought it was sooo..................small? No, is it..................big? No! All NO!!! Aaahhh!Is it? Could it be? Yes, the answer was..................medium? Correct!!! Ha! Tricked you!

Anyway, we went to the Science Centre yesterday and we had loads and loads of fun!!! Or should I say we had a whole lot of funny fun! My buddy is Allison. Do you want to hear the exciting tale?

We went on the bus and we sat down. On the way to the Science Centre, Allison told me a joke. It was sooo funny! If you want to hear the joke, ask Allison, not me!

We resched the Science Centre and got down. There is the glass case that holds the small little teeny tiny balls(not that tiny). Mr Lim and his were already there(what's the rush?).We walked by the waterworks. It has stopped functioning.

We went into the "Kid's Science Fest" place. It was full of things and people. We went inside the tent that shows the H2O SHOW. The show was funny and hilarious. But, we learned something too! We learnt that(or me only?:>)water is sticky. Water sticking to itself is called cohekaboom! No, actually it is called XO(whatever it is). Tricked you again! I'll tell you this time that it is called something or someword. Ha! It is cohesion. I also learnt that only 1% of water is fresh and drinkable.

After that, teachers wanted us to sign up for a workshop. Allison and I did not sign up for any workshop. But we did have fun. We solved a murder case and tried standing on 1 foot while watching a board swaying. We weren't able to balance. We got an explanation sticker. We knew the reason after reading through the sticker. And, we also tried placing our hands on a wire mesh and moving our hands together. We really felt like our hands were glued together. We also looked through an upside down "glasses" while trying to poke a pole through 3 holes(any of the holes). I was sucessful in doing it. I wanted to try playing the tic tac toe game with Allison but there were too many people. We also tried reading words like this: PINK BLUE BLACK WHITE GREEN ORANGE PURPLE BROWN

Try reading them as fast as you can. You must read out the colour of the word but not the word. It is very difficult. Wee Siang, Yasser, Allison and me trried to read it out as fast as we can.

The recorded time is below:

Wee Siang got a nice one...............9sec.

Yasser got a good one..........12sec, I think. The first one was a failure and the second one was about 19 or 18 or 17 sec.

I got a bad one....................................12sec?11sec?

Allison got a nice one................................11sec.

You know what? I and Allison solved a pretty scary murder case!!! Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Scary! Scary! Someone murdered Murdoch!!! It was super easy and there was something that was very funny. They even placed a shoe at the clue station where they claim that a..............................................shoeprint? Shoe? was found at the murder scene.

We had loads of fun and I was sad to go back to our school. I hope we get to go to the Science Centre again next time.



A Book Fair!!!

There was a book fair today in our school, right? I bought a Geronimo Stilton book. I actually wanted to see if there was a book on a certain movie. I want the real story in the movie! But, when I went to look, it was the same kind I had bought some.........................alphabets ago? Oooohhhhhhh!!! It's some months ago!!! Yasser knows about the book i want to find. He watched that movie too!!! He understood it more than I do!!! Maybe I am a bit jealous I didn't hear the words clearly. Did you see the sentence in small letters? It's best you did not see it. :)

The bookmark we had to make during art lesson today was fun and exciting for me but it was difficult too!!! I tried to cut shapes in the circles that Mdm Goh gave me. It was quite sucessful. Hope I make more bookmarks that pretty!!! I am not capable of that, maybe.


I am so happy! I am because of...........................A? B? C? D? E? F? G? H? I? J? K? L? M? N? O? P? Q? R? S? T? U? V? W? X? Y? Z?
I am happy because of a reason, Z! :) Actually, it is because we get to go to Science centre again on Monday. The time is a little teeny tiny bit looonger than the last time. It makes a little difference. But, don't rejoice too soon! Class 4C is going with us too!!! There may be a crowd on the bus we are taking to the Science Centre. Maybe we will have 2 buses or 1 bus or 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40............
...................100? It is just a maybe, you know.There is always a possibility.We will be going from 12 to 4.45. It is quite a long time and I like that!!! But the teachers may be tired out............................They will have to go back early if they are tired.

We will learning about the formula of water, H2O. I didn't know water is made up of a bit of hydrogen!!! Still, it must be edible, that bit of hydrogen(in our water); for we are to drink it!!!

I wish those who go to the science centre on Monday(me too!)a happy day in the science centre!!!


My Ambition and Goal

Do you know what is my goal for this year, the next year, and the final year(PSLE year)? Let me tell you a clue.

Clue 1:It is about something.

Clue 2:It is something I want to achieve in my studies.

Answer(I don't really want to tell you this!!!):I want to get into the top 3 positions in exams.

Now, do you want to know what is my ambition? I will let you guess for a while................hee hee hee!:)

Let's play hang-man! The word is of course my ambition.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (CLUES LATER!!!)

Clue 1:It has only one word.

Clue 2:The job may not include working in a company.

Answer(I don't want to tell!!!) A n A u t h o r (illustrator too, maybe?)

Now you know the answer, let me your ambition too!
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Remember to let me know your ambition too! Uuumm....well, it is a deal! I tell you my ambition, you tell me your ambition!:>


Our trip to the Singapore Science Centre!!! :D :O :) :> :D :O :) :>

Today, most of our classmates came to school carrying the bags they want to bring to the Singapore Science Centre on their backs(that includes me too!).

Let me tell the whole story!

We came to school as normal. When it was time for the national anthem, the whole school stood still and sung the national anthem loud and clear. After that, 4D won the first prize in a competition. We went back to class after that. It was our mother tongue lesson.

After our mother tongue lesson, we went to the canteen to have our early recess. We got some fruits to eat. We waited for the bus to take us to the Singapore Science Centre. We waited and waited. The bus didn't turn up. We had to wait until 10 something.

When we were in the Science Center, we went straight to the place where the Magical maths and science show was held. The show superb though I don't understand much.

After the show, we went to see the exhibits about the marine lives. Then, we went to see the exhibits on energy, our next science topic. We had loads of fun there. There was a machine where you just had place your 2 hands there and press down as if you are pushing and it will show how much strength you used by showing the colour red rising up but when you relax, it will immediately drop down. It was so fun that when I saw Yao Quan passing by, I asked him try it. He said it was fun. There was a "tunnel" which I went into first of all with my partner, Chavelle. It was full of mirrors. At first we thought nothing of it. But then when we wanted to get out, we did not know which is a mirror and which is a way out. Finally, Christine Ching, June and Hui En came through a "tunnel" that is supposed to be........................red blood cells? Anyway, we were happy that finally someone came and we went through the "tunnel" that they came from and found out it was a different place. Then we showed them the mirrors, everything we knew about that mirrory place. After that, I and Chavelle were tired of pretending we didn't know the way out and had to find an opening except for the entrance so we went back to the entrance and found the others. We tried one game which you have to hit a metal piece of thing so hard that you will feel pain. But, it will only show a small number on the screen. There is also a kind of "bell" which you must use a heavy toy hammer to hit it and it will show a number which supposed to be the amount of strength you used. There are loads and loads of fun things there.

It was a nice day at the science centre.


My Day With Tom

"Rriinnggg!!Rriinnngg!!"My master Tom is awake! But, I am fortunate to be able to sleep loonger. I wanted to go to Tom's school so I made use of the language "Human Language English" that I learned at "Mouse Pet Training School" to tell Tom that I wanted to go to his school. And guess what he said? He said that I could go! I am sooo happy!
"Fluffy! Time to wake up!" "Eeeeeeee!Eeeeeee!" I hated to wake up! But, I didn't care much because the person asking me to wake up is my beloved master. My master took me to the bathroom and brushed his teeth while I brushed my teeth using my own teeny tiny toothbrush. After that, my master bathed me and dressed me smartly and proudly. He said I look smart.
After we ate a hearty breakfast, I asked to share Tom's lunchbox and he said yes! I asked for a sandwich for lunch, a snack for the time when I was hungry, a notebook and some pencils. I wanted to share his backpack with him too! Tom said yes too! "Hee hee hee!" Oh! I feel so happy and excited to go to the human school!
On the way to the school bus, Tom ran and had me bounce in his backpack until my fine fur was in tangles! I hate this!
When we reached the human school, I was getting excited by the second! Tom ran to his locker when he got out of the school bus. I had to bounce again. But, I told Tom the moment I got out of his backpack that I wanted to share his locker as compensation for my tangled fur. He said yes.
The place was humongous! I did not know it would be sooo enormouse to me! Tom put his things in the large locker. "Rriiinnnggg! Rrriiinnggg!" The sound was deafening! All the humans rushed to gigantic rooms. Tom was the first to see me and picked me up. But, as he clutched me tightly, he ran and I could make out some humans saying "lesson time".
When we reached a gigantic room, Tom went in and sat down on a huge slide that they humans call a chair. Tom put me down and I had a look around. Some humans looked at me and I thought they wanted to puke. If they didn't puke, I would because they are sooo big. Then, a large-sized human saw me and looked at the other humans. Tom saw the look of the large-sized human and caught me quickly. He explained to the large-sized human and the other humans about me.
When he was finished explaining, the other humans said that I was cute and adorable. They looked at me with such a gentle gaze that I thought I may puke. It was sooo disgusting. Only my master can do that to me, I tried to tell them but they were so engrossed in discussing about me that they did not hear me and then earthquake happened to me. The large-sized human hollered at the top of his voice to the humans to keep quiet. SILENCE followed after that. The humans had their lessons as they call it.
During their maths lesson, I tried to do a maths sum for Tom and got so engrossed that I did maths sums the whole of the humans' maths lesson. The humans thought that was superb but I call that a little. Then, the large-sized human that they call the teacher said it was english lesson. I spelled a few english words that the teacher only knew about recently. The humans all looked amazed.
After the english lesson, it was time for science lesson. I did a little experiment and purple lava from my little volcano flowed put. I added purple instead of orange or red! I decided to do it again.This time, the mini volcano exploded and I was covered in purple lava again. Well, I told myself. At least it worked a bit this time. I tried again and again and I was covered in lavas of all kinds of colours and they blended to form.......PURPLE!!! Why that purple again?! That stupid, detesful PURPLE!!!
Tom immediately brought me to wash up. He blocked the way to the toilet and I washed myself.
"Ring!" Recess time! I went to the cafeteria but on the way, I saw blocks and decided to build a little mouse house. I used clay to make my furniture. I needed books for my bookshelf. I decided to write my own book. I used up all of Tom's pencils and pens. After I finished writing the book, I wanted to read it to Tom.
After I read it to Tom, I put my book into Tom's lunchbox and hid Tom's lunchbox in a place where no one can find it.
After school when the bell rang, I rushed outside to wait for the school bus. Tom and his friends played soccer with me. I enjoyed it very much. After that, I asked Tom to play basketball and skateboarding. They were fun! "Gggrrr!" My stomach is rumbling like thunder. I told Tom I wante to eat my snack and he brought me back to school where I kept his lunchbox. I took out my snack and ate it.
When we went home, I ate dinner peacefully while Tom asked me whether I would like to go to his school again. I said I would like to go again tomorrow.


Phew! I finally published my post! It was so difficult but I managed to publish it. But it may not be published but I am still relieved.
Goto Valerie's blog if you want. http://valerie-memories.blogspot.com/

Do you like my persona?

Does anyone like my persona? It is rather long but I think it may be an interesting piece. I simply love the persona but do give your comments. I may think it is nice but you may not think it is nice.So, do give your comments on my persona. If need be, I'll try improve. But, give your comments before you want me to improve on my persona next time. Some may think it is nice(ME)and some may think it is bad(maybe you).But, I'll try to improve the next time I try to write a persona. It is difficult to write a persona. You must know the story well, like what ms Sim has said before. It may be difficult for some and easy for some. Try it!


Persona of a boy in a story

A Day with My Sweet Mouse

"RRiiinnngggg!" The time has come for me to wake up and prepare to take my nice sweet mouse pet to my school, Wellington Primary School. I name my pet Fluffy. I think it is a nice name for a mouse pet. I am a boy and I love mice. Fluffy asked me to bring him to yesterday night and I promised. I am very scared that if I bring him to school, he might get killed.

"Eeeeeee! Eeeeee!" Fluffy is awake! I took him to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with Fluffy. He has his own toothbrush. After we brushed and changed, we ate our breakfast heartily. When I was ready to pack my backpack, Fluffy asked me for my lunchbox. After I said I will share it with him, he asked me for a sandwhich and a snack for the time when he was hungry. Fluffy asked for a notebook and some pencils.

Fluffy wanted to share my backpack too! Of course, how could I bear to say the word no to my dear little sweet Fluffy? So, I said yes. After that, I helped Fluffy wear his clothes and I said that he looked smart. He beamed proudly when he heard that. I carried him into my backpack carefully. Then, we waited for the school bus.

When we reached school, I got off the school bus and carried my backpack carefully in front of me. I especially did not want Fluffy to drop out. I was very scared.

When we are in class 4Diligence, Fluffy asked me to share my small locker with him the moment he stepped out of my backpack and onto my trembling hands. I said yes. He put my lunchbox in my small locker and took a look around. Luckily, the girls in my class are not scared of rats or mice as they are quite bold. My classmates kept looking at Fluffy and they look like they are mesmerized by Fluffy's adorable and cute face. I am used to Fluffy's face. However, I do not want to get popular because of this matter though some of my friends like to be popular. I do not like to be popular or famous.

During lesson time, Fluffy did some maths sums and spelled some looong words which I don't know and I don't know how he came to know them.

After our maths lesson, it was our science lesson. I was getting more scared as each second passed by. We are going to do an experiment today. I was scared when Fluffy said that he wanted to get onto the table to get a better look at what our science teacher is doing. But, I still let Fluffy get onto the table. Then, Fluffy did something. He did an experiment in front of the whole class. Everyone looked at him until our teacher told them to stop looking and do their experiment. Only I gaped at Fluffy but the teacher told me to do my experiment. I can't believe it! Fluffy doing a science experiment by himself? Well, it could be that he learned it from me but I was very scared that his experiment might cost him his little life. But, Fluffy was alive and he was in a mess when he finished with his experiment. I had to rush to the toilet and wash him but he insisted that he wash himself. So, I let him wash himself. I had to block the entrance of the toilet and not let anyone come into the toilet. By now, I was already quite famous. I did not want that but I had to bring my sweet little Fluffy to school.

After the wash-up, Fluffy was ready for his lunch. On the way to the cafeteria, Fluffy spotted some bricks on the floor and totally forgot all about his lunch. He wanted to build his own mouse house. He said he wanted to build a teeny mouse house but I didn't think so. After he built his mouse house that ia made of bricks, he made his own furniture out of clay. After his furniture is made, Fluffy needed some books for his bokshelf. He decided to write a book. Fluffy used up all of my pencils and pens. After he finished his book, Fluffy wanted to read the book to me. After he read it to me, he kept the book in my lunchbox and hid my lunchbox somewhere safe where no one knows about it except him.

When it was time to go home, Fluffy rushed out to wait for the school bus. Before the school bus came, my friends and I played soccer and Fluffy played too! I was so scared Fluffy would get squashed and die! After we played soccer, Fluffy was stiil alive. I was relieved. Then, Fluffy asked me to shoot a few basketballs. Deep down inside me, I was so fearful though I appear calm.

After a we played basketball, Fluffy went skateboarding with me! Oh! What horrible things would happen next? Luckily, Fluffy was still alive after the skateboarding but he was starting to feel hungry. He wanted his snack and so I had to bring him back to school. Fluffy went to where he had hidden my lunchbox. He took out the things he planned to devour and closed my lunchbox smartly.

When we went back home, I cleaned Fluffy and let him have his dinner. Fluffy had his dinner peacefully while I was busy thanking my lucky star though I didn't who it was. I was relieved that Fluffy was safe sound. I had my dinner with Fluffy after I thanked my god-knows-who-lucky-star. Fluffy told me that he enjoyed the day thoroughly. I told him I was scared throughout the whole day. "I am famous in the school now and it a terrible thing, Fluffy!" I told Fluffy. He told me that it would be good to be famous. Only I didn't say I did not agree. I couldn't upset him.

My Enrichment!!

I go to Woodgrove primary every Wednesday except for some Wednesdays. There is four of us going and we are creating a game in this term. There is a programme going on on Wednesdays too. Some 4D pupils did not go.....oh! I mean no need to go. Anyway, I need to go now. I seldom have comments unlike other classmates but some don't have much commentsw too!


Tomorrow, the principal and the vice principal and some other teachers will come to visit us during our computer lessons! Though it is not a lesson and we usually go to computer lab on Tuesday, we may learn something new from our friends.There's something I don't know. How does the things inside the computer......errr...move? I mean, how does the cursor click on the things we want to click on by moving the mouse? We can't touch the things beneath the screen and click on it and how do the screens produce images? I really don't know any thing. You know something? I think the maths paper today iss easy and the english is quite easy. The maths paper I know I won't be able to get full marks for sure. If I get full marks, it will be first maths termly review of the 2 maths termly reviews I had that I can get full marks. Not that I am clever, it is just that the paper is easy. But, there is going to be something new in the next blog entry! :D

Wait and see! :)


BOOK REVIEW!!! :) :>

Name:Sng Hui Xin
Book Review:If You Take A Mouse To School
Author:Laura Numeroff

This book is funny.I love reading it. It tells you about the events that will happen if you take a mouse to school. The mouse did some funny things in this book when it was in school. The mouse asked for things and never did give anything to anyone. In this story, the mouse can talk.
I think this book suits primary school students as it is very funny! The mouse played some sports too! It suits humans of all ages. It has a lot of interesting pictures and the words are easy to understand. My class mates and my form teacher like this book and we really laughed out loud when our form teacher read it to us. Our form teacher also laughed.
In the book, a boy took a mouse to school and things happened one after the other. In the end, something happened but I won't tell you. People will enjoy it intensely as the book's plot is soooo interesting that you won't want to put the book down until you finish reading it.
Do read the book! :D