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The Wonderful Science Centre :) :D :O :>

Yah!We are finally at the Science Centre..................and back again!:( I hate to leave the Science Centre. It's so fun! We get to play in the Science Centre every time we go there. I never the Science Centre was sooo big and enormous and gigantic and humongous...........until I got there yesterday. I always thought it was sooo..................small? No, is it..................big? No! All NO!!! Aaahhh!Is it? Could it be? Yes, the answer was..................medium? Correct!!! Ha! Tricked you!

Anyway, we went to the Science Centre yesterday and we had loads and loads of fun!!! Or should I say we had a whole lot of funny fun! My buddy is Allison. Do you want to hear the exciting tale?

We went on the bus and we sat down. On the way to the Science Centre, Allison told me a joke. It was sooo funny! If you want to hear the joke, ask Allison, not me!

We resched the Science Centre and got down. There is the glass case that holds the small little teeny tiny balls(not that tiny). Mr Lim and his were already there(what's the rush?).We walked by the waterworks. It has stopped functioning.

We went into the "Kid's Science Fest" place. It was full of things and people. We went inside the tent that shows the H2O SHOW. The show was funny and hilarious. But, we learned something too! We learnt that(or me only?:>)water is sticky. Water sticking to itself is called cohekaboom! No, actually it is called XO(whatever it is). Tricked you again! I'll tell you this time that it is called something or someword. Ha! It is cohesion. I also learnt that only 1% of water is fresh and drinkable.

After that, teachers wanted us to sign up for a workshop. Allison and I did not sign up for any workshop. But we did have fun. We solved a murder case and tried standing on 1 foot while watching a board swaying. We weren't able to balance. We got an explanation sticker. We knew the reason after reading through the sticker. And, we also tried placing our hands on a wire mesh and moving our hands together. We really felt like our hands were glued together. We also looked through an upside down "glasses" while trying to poke a pole through 3 holes(any of the holes). I was sucessful in doing it. I wanted to try playing the tic tac toe game with Allison but there were too many people. We also tried reading words like this: PINK BLUE BLACK WHITE GREEN ORANGE PURPLE BROWN

Try reading them as fast as you can. You must read out the colour of the word but not the word. It is very difficult. Wee Siang, Yasser, Allison and me trried to read it out as fast as we can.

The recorded time is below:

Wee Siang got a nice one...............9sec.

Yasser got a good one..........12sec, I think. The first one was a failure and the second one was about 19 or 18 or 17 sec.

I got a bad one....................................12sec?11sec?

Allison got a nice one................................11sec.

You know what? I and Allison solved a pretty scary murder case!!! Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Scary! Scary! Someone murdered Murdoch!!! It was super easy and there was something that was very funny. They even placed a shoe at the clue station where they claim that a..............................................shoeprint? Shoe? was found at the murder scene.

We had loads of fun and I was sad to go back to our school. I hope we get to go to the Science Centre again next time.


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