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another pet...

mY cAgEy



This holiday has been quite wonderful. Except for the fact that I have to go to school today when the whole class did not have to go for remedial. I have to attend a competition.

It has been a long time since I had a holiday so long.........but like the other holidays, it will just pass quickly. No matter how long a holiday or party is, you will feel that it is very short when it is over or has pased. Even if a party or holiday or some sort of enjoyable thing lasted for a year or five years, you will still feel like it should be longer than that time.

It has already been the second half of our September holiday! Soooo fast! I do not want the holiday to pass so fast, really! I would hate to leave my holiday world and go back to reality-which is school days-when I am used to holidays now! I would not be able to get used to scool life again so fast, but getting used to holiday life is very easy! Oh! Bye!:)

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