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another pet...

mY cAgEy


Movies are something most modern people watch. Almost everyone watches movies.Except for those African people who are very poor......................................wah wah!Oh!Let's not talk about it. Let me share with you some movies I watched.
There was the most recent one: The Magic Gourd (I'll just list the movies out if I can think of it)

Meet The Robinsons

Spiderman 3

*Pirates Of the Carribean (consists of three "episodes"/3 movies like Harry Potter)(more about this at the bottom)

Charlie And The Choco0ate Factory


Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix

and more.................................................................................................................................................

Bye! Do tell me if you have watched those and feel free to ask me about a movie you think I may have watched.

*Pirates of the carribean...................I watched the 3rd in cinema, 2nd in DVD, 1st on tv

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