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mY cAgEy


The complain of the Secret Pal Game

If you are my secret pal, and you have given me something, do not read the part in white!!!

Every body is complaining about the game. Some say it is not fair, some say they know their secret pal. Others know some's secret pal. There are those who are playing fair. But, they still know their secret pal or know others secret pal.

Some are very inconsiderate and tell others their secret pal or their friends' secret pal. They got their friends' secret pal by investigating or peeping. Those whose secret pal are uncovered are very angry. They wanted to find out at the end-of-year mini celebration but they find out now.

Luckily, my secret pal is......I do not know!:) And no one knows my secret pal except my busybody,super-annoying sister. I hope no one is so keen on finding out my secret pal that they ask my sister! I am sure she will keep it a secret for me!

HEEHEEHEE! If you are my secret pal, and you are reading this, it means that you havegiven me something. But if you have not,......hehehe! You cannot listen to instruction!

1 comment:

Rachel Chiu said...

first commentar w watevar sounds! xDDDDDDDD