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Should Singlish Be Encouraged In Schools?

Singlish is Singapore english.It is used by young children, teenagers and some adults. It is english mixed with a bit of chinese.

In schools, students are not allowed to use singlish in their compositions and it is strictly unallowed during exams.

Although sometimes students use singlish to interact with their friends, that doesn't mean that they know nothing about proper english!They speak proper english sometimes like in class.I use singlish sometimes, too!But, proper english is still very important and I still use proper english.

Students should try not to use singlish so often. After all, since proper english is introduced to us by the British, why don't we treasure it?So, I think singlish should not be encouraged in schools but it may be used during informal chats outside school!:)

1 comment:

Mary Sim said...

I love your introduction to the topic as not all know what 'Singlish' is. Many foreigners who come to Singapore have no idea what Singlish is all about. I was shocked when I saw a dictionary for Singlish at the bookshop!