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another pet...

mY cAgEy


Entry (2) :)

Hi, my blog-readers! National Day is over but I hope the kind of spirit in the national songs or during the national is still hung up in the air! No-one wants to fight after national day is over! Especially me, of course or else would I write this blog? Oh, and I would like to share what I did over the loooong looong holiday. Anyone wants to know? Well, I bet no-one will want to know, sadly.Wwwaaaahhh! But, puzzlo o' pizzlo, I'm alright and, I will Write about what I did during the looong loooong holiday.

Wednesday:I went to school and celebrated the national day eve.

Thursday:I went to my cousins' house to eat lunch and dinner(Breakfast was at Mc Donald).I watched a bit of the NDP this year coz i thought it was boring. We played until eight something then we went back home(There is a reason why we went back home soooo early).

Friday:We went to the so called ICA Building(went there before last to change my younger sister's passport photo)to change my passport photo. It turned out to be very ugly. It was even uglier than when-i-was-still-a-few-years-old passport photo!:( :( :( :( :( :(

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